Vastu Shastra Tips for Home: Essential for Positive Energy

Vastu Shastra tips is all about creating balance in our homes by paying attention to five important elements: fire, earth, sky, water, and air. These elements are like the ingredients that make up our surroundings, and when they’re balanced, it makes us feel good and happy.

Following Vastu Shastra means making simple changes to our homes to keep these elements in harmony. Whether it’s our house, office, or any other place we spend time in, Vastu Shastra helps us feel more relaxed and peaceful.

When things in our home are out of balance, like too much clutter or furniture in the wrong place, it can make us feel stressed or unhappy. But Vastu Shastra gives us practical ways to fix these problems, so we can live our best lives.

In this blog, we’ll share easy tips inspired by Vastu Shastra that you can use to make your home a happier and more harmonious place to be.

Living Room Vastu Shastra Tips

Your living room is like the heart of your home, where energy flows in and out, affecting your family’s health and happiness. Here are some Vastu tips to create a harmonious living room:

  • Entrance Door Placement: Position the entrance door in the east, north, or northeast direction to invite positive energy into your home. Keep the living room well-lit to enhance positivity.
  • Ideal Direction for Hosting: If you enjoy hosting gatherings, place your living room in the southwest direction. This encourages social interaction and happiness among guests.
  • Wealth and Success: Locate your living room in the east or north direction for abundant health and wealth. For south-facing homes, place it in the southeast corner to attract prosperity.
  • Auspicious Slope Flooring: Create a slope flooring towards the east or north direction, especially in the northeast corner, for auspicious energy flow.
  • TV Placement: Position your TV in the southeast corner to avoid distractions and ensure family time is balanced.
  • Furniture Arrangement: Arrange furniture like sofa sets against the east or north walls to reflect positive sunlight and promote well-being.
  • Art Placement: Place paintings and portraits in the northeast corner to evoke feelings of positivity and peace. Avoid artworks with negative themes.
  • Staircase Placement: Ideally, place the staircase in the west, south, or southwest corner of the living room for optimal benefits.
  • Incorporating Nature: Add plants in the northeast corner to bring nature’s beauty and positive vibrations into your living space.
  • Air Conditioner Placement: Install the air conditioner on the north-west, east, or west side to balance the room’s temperature effectively.

By following these Vastu Shastra tips for home, you can create a living room that not only looks beautiful but also promotes harmony, happiness, and prosperity in your home.

Bedroom Vastu Shastra Tips

  • Location: Your bedroom should ideally be in the southwest part of your home for stability.
  • Door Position: Make sure your bedroom door opens smoothly and faces east, west, or north for good energy flow.
  • Bed Placement: Put your bed in the south or west, with your head towards the south or east, and avoid corners.
  • Wardrobe Location: Place your wardrobe in the west, southwest, or south, and ensure its door opens to the north or east.
  • Décor Choices: Hang serene paintings of nature on your walls and avoid anything negative.
  • Bed Direction and Shape: Position your bed in the southwest corner, made of wood, and in a square or rectangular shape.
  • Mirrors and Dressers: Put mirrors in the north or east, away from reflecting the bed, and keep your dresser beside your bed.
  • Ceiling Design: Keep your ceiling simple and symmetrical, with a height of 10-12 feet, and use light colors.
  • Balcony Placement: If you have a balcony, it’s best if it faces north, northeast, or east, with walls meeting at right angles.

By following these simple Vastu Shastra tips for home, you can create a peaceful and harmonious bedroom that promotes relaxation and well-being.

Kitchen Vastu Shastra Tips

  • Sacred Space: The kitchen is a special place for preparing nourishing meals, associated with Maa Annapurna, the goddess of food and nutrition.
  • Placement: Best locations are southeast or northwest. Avoid north, northeast, and southwest directions.
  • Entrance: Entryway should face west or north, or southeast if not feasible.
  • Gas Stove: Place the gas stove in the southeast corner, facing east during cooking.
  • Doors and Windows: Maintain a single door, opening clockwise. Windows on east or south sides for natural light and ventilation.
  • Kitchen Slab: Opt for black marble or stone. Colors vary by direction: green or brown for east, yellow for northeast, brown, maroon, or green for south or southeast, grey or yellow for west.
  • Sink Placement: Install the sink in the north or northeast. Avoid aligning it parallel to the stove. Consider using a bone china vase between them if necessary.

These Vastu Shastra tips can help create a positive and harmonious atmosphere in your kitchen, promoting health and prosperity in your home.

Pooja Room Vastu Shastra Tips

The pooja room is the center of positive and peaceful energy in your home. It helps you feel happy and connected to divine energy.

Best Directions for Pooja Room:

  • Place the pooja room in the northeast direction. East and north are also good spots.
  • Do not put the pooja room under stairs, near a washroom, on the ground floor, or on a higher floor.
  • Make sure the door and windows of the pooja room open towards the north or east.
  • A pyramid-shaped ceiling in the pooja room is good for positive vibes.

Placing Idols and Gods:

  • Idols should not face each other or be close to the wall.
  • Put idols in the northeast direction and make sure they all face the same way, not towards the door.
  • Keep idols at least 6 inches above the ground.
  • Do not keep pictures of deceased people or violent images in the pooja room.
  • Make sure idols are not chipped or broken.
  • Place lamps in the southeast direction.

Cabinets and Storage:

  • Place cabinets in the southeast direction to avoid blocking sunlight.
  • Pyramid-shaped cabinets or towers are good for storing pooja items and radiate positive energy.
  • Do not place cabinets above the idols.


  • Have at least one window to keep the room bright during the day and let in the sun’s positive energy.
  • Make sure the pooja room is well-lit even after sunset by adding a light or lamp.

By following these simple Vastu Shastra tips for home, you can create a pooja room that brings positive energy, peace, and happiness to your home.

Color Selection Vastu Shastra Tips

Choosing the right colors for each room in your home can greatly influence the atmosphere and energy flow. Here are some Vastu-inspired color tips to help you create a harmonious living space:

  • Living Room: Use bright colors like yellow, green, and blue to make the room cozy for family and friends. Avoid dark colors because they can make it feel small.
  • Kitchen: Choose happy colors like orange, red, yellow, and pink for cooking and eating together. Stay away from dark colors as they can make the kitchen feel sad.
  • Pooja Room: Keep the prayer space peaceful with white or light colors like yellow, blue, or pink. Dark colors might disturb the calmness.
  • Bedroom: Create a calming vibe in the bedroom with light colors like blue, green, and pink. Bright colors might make it hard to sleep.
  • Washroom: Make the washroom feel fresh with light colors such as white, light blue, or light green. Dark colors can make it feel gloomy.
  • Kids’ Room: Use soft colors like light pink, baby blue, or pale yellow to make the room fun for kids. Avoid dark colors because they might make it boring.


Using Vastu Shastra in your home design can make your living space full of positive energy and happiness. By placing rooms, furniture, and decorations in the right way, you can create a home that helps you feel healthy, wealthy, and happy. Simple changes, like choosing the right colors and keeping things clean, can make a big difference.

Following Vastu Shastra not only makes your home look good but also keeps it balanced and peaceful. Whether it’s the living room, kitchen, bedroom, or pooja room, using these tips can help you bring positive energy into your home.

Our interior design company in Ahmedabad takes care of Vastu Shastra principles to design and implement your home, ensuring it is beautiful, balanced, and full of positive energy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of architecture that guides the design and layout of buildings to ensure a harmonious and positive living environment.

Why is Vastu Shastra important for home interiors?

Vastu Shastra helps create a balanced and positive energy flow in your home, promoting health, wealth, and happiness for the residents.

Can Vastu Shastra be applied to modern homes?

Yes, Vastu Shastra can be adapted to modern homes. Simple changes like room placement, furniture arrangement, and color selection can align your home with Vastu principles.

What are the key areas to focus on in Vastu for home interiors?

The key areas include the living room, kitchen, bedroom, pooja room, and even the washroom and kids’ room. Each area has specific guidelines for optimal energy flow.

Can Vastu Shastra help improve financial stability?

Yes, proper Vastu alignment can enhance positive energy, which may contribute to better financial stability and prosperity.

Can Vastu be applied in a small apartment?

Even in small spaces, you can follow Vastu principles by carefully choosing the placement of furniture, colors, and decor items to ensure a balanced and positive atmosphere.

Are there any Vastu Shastra tips for the entrance of the house?

Yes, the entrance should ideally face east, north, or northeast. It should be well-lit and free of clutter to attract positive energy.

What should be avoided according to Vastu in home interiors?

Avoid using dark and gloomy colors, placing mirrors facing the bed, and having clutter or broken items in the house as they can block positive energy flow.

How can your interior design company in Ahmedabad help with Vastu Shastra?

Our interior design company in Ahmedabad specializes in integrating Vastu Shastra principles into home designs, ensuring your home is not only beautiful but also full of positive energy and balance. We help you with room placement, furniture arrangement, and decor selection according to Vastu guidelines.

What are the benefits of following Vastu Shastra in home interior design?

Vastu Shastra promotes harmony, balance, and positive energy flow in your living space, leading to improved health, happiness, and overall well-being for you and your family.

How does Vastu Shastra address the concept of wealth and prosperity in a home?

Vastu Shastra offers guidelines for enhancing wealth and prosperity by optimizing the flow of positive energy throughout the house, thus attracting abundance and financial stability.

Are there specific guidelines for incorporating Vastu in home office spaces?

Yes, Vastu principles can be applied to home office spaces to improve productivity, creativity, and success. This includes considerations for desk placement, seating direction, and color schemes.

Can Vastu Shastra influence the quality of sleep and relaxation in the bedroom?

Vastu-compliant bedrooms are designed to promote restful sleep and relaxation by creating a serene and calming atmosphere conducive to unwinding and rejuvenation.

How does Vastu Shastra address the concept of energy flow in the home?

Vastu Shastra emphasizes the importance of unobstructed energy flow, known as “Prana,” throughout the house. By optimizing the layout, orientation, and design elements, Vastu aims to enhance the positive flow of energy while minimizing obstacles.

Are there specific Vastu guidelines for selecting artwork and decor for home interiors?

Yes, Vastu recommends choosing artwork and decor that evoke positive emotions and themes such as nature, spirituality, and harmony. It also advises against displaying images or symbols associated with negativity or conflict.

How can Vastu principles be adapted for homes with irregular layouts or non-traditional designs?

Even in homes with unconventional layouts, Vastu principles can be applied creatively to optimize energy flow and create a harmonious living environment. This may involve strategic placement of mirrors, use of color psychology, and incorporation of elemental balancing techniques.

Can Vastu Shastra principles be applied to exterior spaces such as gardens or balconies?

Yes, Vastu guidelines extend to outdoor spaces as well, offering recommendations for garden layout, plant selection, and directional alignment to enhance the overall energy balance and aesthetic appeal of your home.

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